EnglandPunchy6 months ago

i know I'm 6 months late but I'm pretty sure the reason for the rule's initial implementation is a result of PC/Console originally being combined and it being deemed an unfair advantage for PC to be able to remap in a way console could not. But it was allowed for doorskip since Console can't run doorskip by definition but for whatever reason there still being some hesitation to just allow people to map whatever crap they want. idk why, it's a default feature of Steam now.

but since then the Steam version became its own leaderboard so now the rule has no real function and could probably be removed with no particular issue. The original purpose of the rule was understandable, but no longer applies.

i doubt this will happen since apparently there was a rule implemented at Some Point in the past couple years where an input display is now necessary for doorskip. zero idea what the point of this is, I don't know what they're looking for or why it's applied to the only category where some input remapping is already allowed but weeeeeeee resident evil leaderboards babyyyyyyyyy

EnglandPunchy8 months ago

I think it's funny that sr.c got rid of the on-site "most games ran" and "most categories ran" pages specifically to try and curtail spam from people trying to get to the top of those pages.

anyway here's an article congratulating someone on generating a lot of spam

Gundwn, Ventilo_ and 6 others like this
EnglandPunchy10 months ago

i think it's good. i think people are going to be briefly upset cos all the buttons are in different places but there's enough actually sensible, practical changes that I think I can live with the indignity of learning new muscle memory for denying the 100th run with no video

ShikenNuggets, YUMmy_Bacon5 and 2 others like this
thread: Illbleed
EnglandPunchy1 year ago

why do you suggest turning "Movie Message" off? as far as I've been able to discern that just controls subtitles during cutscenes (which are skipped anyway)

Binary_Stork likes this
EnglandPunchy1 year ago

time spent in menu doesn't count for IGT so it doesn't matter, if you spend any extra time picking them up in a specific order you're actually losing IGT

(i did not see the tweet)

IDSBI likes this
EnglandPunchy1 year ago

there is an Extreme X category, it's under New Game. There's no NG+ category because being able to use all of the overpowered NG+ weapons largely defeats the point of that type of category.

IDSBI likes this
EnglandPunchy1 year ago

the Folgaran thing is possible in this version it's just extremely difficult, you need to be quick. be as close to the moo as possible such that you make near instant contact without actually getting hurt.

AxelSanGo likes this
EnglandPunchy1 year ago

Question since reading this thread doesn't give me a clear picture: What's the benefit of timing with IGT in the first place? I feel like you need a reason to time with IGT because while RTA can be unfair (load times etc) it can never be wrong, whereas the IGT in these remakes seem to not count all sorts of things which on initial blush strikes me as suspect to go with it as a default timing method.

like i'm not seeing what the advantage of IGT is supposed to be in the first place, particularly because it makes costume swap tricks cumbersome in an IGT setting but they integrate pretty simply into RTA runs because it's either faster or its not. I don't see why you'd restrict the range of tricks available to use by way of attempting to use a flawed timer.

thread: Ib Remake
EnglandPunchy2 years ago

I opted to test turbo timings myself on a reasonable amount of unbroken dialogue (from touching the toybox to gaining control in the path where Garry finds Ib unconscious so it's unbroken dialogue with no movement or dialogue selections) and got these general results

turbo: 25~ sec holding Z to advance text automatically: 25.4~ sec me attempting to manually mash Z/Enter/Space: 26~ sec

My turbo functionality was in fact, the exact same script used in the aforementioned OMORI run, mainly because I made that script and I still had it so lol. It mashes only Z at a completely impossible rate.

These are approximate, I did it a few times and this was the general range and the third test is subject to individual differences in mashing technique.

Edit: Additionally, I also tried this in both English and Japanese and again got the same general results, meaning I also conclude there's no particular difference in text speed from language selection either. Or at least, I think. This test isn't perfect.

basic gist: yeah turbo is faster than advancing text by holding even on unbroken dialogue with no interstitial inputs, but I have so far found it pretty difficult to mash fast enough to gain an advantage over the normal hold for just pure text boxes unless there's some technique to it I'm not understanding.

Posting all of this because this is different from OMORI, where mashing fast enough to gain an advantage over that game's automatic text advancement was not particularly hard but is incredibly obnoxious to do over the course of a multiple hour run, whereas here I have found it incredibly difficult to gain a meaningful advantage that way besides using turbo.

this post has no conclusion I just figured this might be useful

Tegron likes this
thread: The Site
EnglandPunchy2 years ago

i mean yeah it's not spectacularly substantive but if it actually was any features of substance being paywalled people would hit the fucking roof immediately, part of it is just an intangible goodwill thing and not a pure "value for money" thing

basically idk man u trippin I award this update the patented bronze trophy of "eh, fair enough I guess"

grnts, Ivory and 4 others like this
EnglandPunchy2 years ago

what the hell are you talking about

EnglandPunchy2 years ago

Sweet, gonna pin that in my brain as a thing to try.

frankly I like the idea of allowing turbo for this game, text mashing is ass.

EnglandPunchy2 years ago

wait how did you even perform Turbo with joycons?

EnglandPunchy2 years ago

Niiiice, and yeah, you don't need to be a mod to post stuff to Guides/Resources.

thread: The Site
EnglandPunchy2 years ago

Users being able to opt-out is nice but yeah, moderators should also be able to opt-out the boards they moderate.

It is, after all, the moderators who are being expected to do extra work to facilitate this feature that I think precisely zero of us asked for to begin with, so it is only fair that they get to choose if they're willing to do that extra work.

If the end result of that is that comments go removed on most boards then well, you'll have an answer about whether this was a worthwhile inclusion to begin with.

YUMmy_Bacon5, AsagiriX and 9 others like this
thread: The Site
EnglandPunchy2 years ago

some feedback


no. please axe this entirely this is a really bad no good idea. you really wanna invite the most notoriously difficult to moderate aspect of YouTube straight onto a website where moderators are volunteers with far fewer resources? Helllllllll no dawg I did not sign up for that, delete.

Statistics on Profile Page:

Neat. I would actually like more statistics like the number of games you've ran, stuff sr.c used to have that got removed for some reason. It'd be right at home on this new display.

"Games Followed" showing which boards you've visited, how much and when is incredibly strange though and kind of weird and violating. Please do not.

Gaming_64, O.D.W. and 2 others like this
EnglandPunchy2 years ago

there is no specific Fuga speedrun discord because I think the total runner base for this game comprises Two People, so I'm more than happy to use the Little Tail Bronx server for this purpose.

same with the series stuff. I looked for that first when I tried to make the leaderboard but it didn't exist.

EnglandPunchy3 years ago

Just mashing A and B is the best method I found. I couldn't come up with anything better either, sorry.

nero_takenoko likes this
About Punchy
8 years ago
Games run
Freedom Planet
Freedom Planet
Last run 6 years ago
Silent Hill 3 (PC)
Silent Hill 3 (PC)
Last run 1 year ago
Silent Hill
Silent Hill
Last run 13 days ago
Last run 5 years ago
Silent Hill 2 (PC)
Silent Hill 2 (PC)
Last run 4 years ago
Sonic Mania
Sonic Mania
Last run 6 years ago
Last run 6 years ago
Last run 9 months ago
Games moderated
Freedom Planet
Freedom Planet
Last action 5 months ago
Silent Hill
Silent Hill
Last action 1 month ago
Silent Hill 2 (PC)
Silent Hill 2 (PC)
Last action 10 months ago
Silent Hill 4: The Room
Silent Hill 4: The Room
Last action 1 month ago
Silent Hill 3 (PC)
Silent Hill 3 (PC)
Last action 5 months ago
Freedom Planet 2
Freedom Planet 2
Last action 26 days ago
Silent Hill: 0rigins
Silent Hill: 0rigins
Last action 4 months ago
Last action 24 days ago