Still new to speedrunning and seeking to optimize my runs
1 year ago
Massachusetts, USA

Are there any tips for this game that would be useful in running this game optimally?

i currently run using randomized pieces and tend to aim for quick singles, doubles and triples, tetri i aim for if the RNG has allowed me to build one up quickly and can usually result in maybe a few second differences on my runs. Is it better to use keyboard or controller for this on PC?

any advice would be helpful :3

oh, im also running the journey mode beginners category. ironically the hardest one time wise XD

United States

In terms of control/keyboard, whichever you find comfortable and faster to play with. In terms of line clears, beginner needs 30 lines per stage up until metamorphosis which is at 90. In both cases, the ideal run clears one double, and then only tetrises for the rest of the stage (you want to minimize the line clear delay as much as possible, and you clear more lines with tetrises). The double is there to make sure you don't "waste" any pieces placed, since lines don't carry over. (suppose you clear a triple and 7 tetrises, you clear 31 lines so you had to place 31 lines worth of pieces. but since the extra one line doesn't carry over, you "wasted" 2.5 pieces). If you're just starting out, try aiming for as many Tetrises as possible, then keep improving in speed.

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Tetris Effect: Connected is switching to IGT!

Hello from the mod team! We've been considering this for a while, but now it's official: Journey mode speedruns will now be timed with In Game Time (IGT)!

Additionally, if you’re running on PC, we have created a LiveSplit autosplitter. This was made specifically to record IGT, and can be used

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