Name Gradients are inconsistent
22 days ago

Ever since the site update, name gradients appear incorrectly in most places.

Lets start with where it looks correct: Latest News

The Leaderboard name gradient is certainly broken and starts the gradient with your Flag.

Finally, the profile name gradient has to be the most broken of them all - at least when you're a Supporter, it's as if the word "Supporter" is there but hidden.

Thanks for taking the time to review this and, honestly I've vibed pretty well with the new site as it has been. Speedrunning is lucky to have a site like this and I wish it had been around when I was a young adult with more energy to share with the world.

Edited by the author 22 days ago
Oxknifer likes this

This is the fix for the main profile page:

Edited by the author 18 days ago

And this is how you fix the Leaderboards name gradients:

Edited by the author 18 days ago

And of course the fix for Forums name gradients: